Been thinking about goals for 2008, especially cycling goals.
Last year, my goal was to ride at least one century (100-mile ride). I did that three times over -- my first one ever on May 12, then on July 7, and the final one on October 7. Between the July and October one,
I was off the bike for 2 months due to a shoulder injury sustained while doing some off-road biking.
The next logical goal would be to do a multi-day ride or harder century rides (e.g., more hills, tougher riding conditions). Or if I were really a glutton for punishment,
randonneurring. It's safe to say that while randonneurring intrigues me from an endurance standpoint, I am not all that keen on 3 AM start times!
RAGBRAI is one of those must-do at least once in your lifetime deals. It also requires a lot of gear -- camping gear -- that I don't have. Plus I'm not sure I am ready to camp in a field with a few thousand of my closest friends.
MS150 is a good intermediate level challenge. 150 miles in two days. Not too hard -- I'm in the condition to do it now. Plus the dollars raised go to a good cause. There's a team at work I have been invited to join.
Team in Training is one of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's fundraisers. I hear it is a stunning ride, but also challenging. The other challenge is meeting the fundraising requirements, which are a substantial.
The Tornado Alley 100 is high on my list for its uniqueness (the ride touches 4 states in one day), its proximity to STL (it's in Joplin), and its
fun jersey.
The Hotter 'n Hell 100 is compelling because of the conditions (August in Texas), but also because they claim to have one of the fastest 100-mile road courses. It would be very cool to be able to get a century done in under 5h:30m (so far my best time has been 6h:19m).
This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head.
I'll keep you posted.